Unigames Committee Meeting #9 - 29/04/2021

by Guinevere Sellner 29/04/21

Unigames Committee Meeting #9 - 29/04/2021


  • Alistair
  • Emerald
  • Jackie
  • Gwen
  • Ethan
  • Amber
  • Chris
  • Nina
  • Texas
  • Vikrum


Meeting scheduled: 7:30pm

Meeting open: 7:35pm


President's Report (Alistair):

  • Return of the dreaded discord meetings
  • I have spent the past week in a vegetative state
  • Figured out how to play commander on TTS with Ethan and others
    • Got too bored and played a game with 4 decks by myself
  • Putting prerelease back together slowly
    • Heard from tactics about that
  • Apparently I still have work this week so that's nice even if im confused

Vice-President's Report (Emerald):

  • mmb lockdown mmb week long stuck at home
  • looked at some coffee tables
  • i haven't seeen taylor until today so i'll ask after meeting
  • the rain is nice :33
  • next week is week 10 good luck everyone we're nearly done with semester!!

Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • today was the first time i went outside my house since i got home last friday (holy shit thank god)
  • and i think that sums up my mood
  • almost messaged tenancy chair chloe with "HELL YEAH THUNDERY"
  • did some finance things for unigames (putting in future purchases) and figured out a tentative book buy budget
  • soc please release the sem grant info i want something to do
  • account balance: $8,937.94

Secretary's Report (Gwen):

  • Haven't done newsletter. I'm sorry. Really.
  • I'm gonna make a prediction that it won't be done by next week Thursday either
  • But it will be done by now in 2 weeks. I promise.

Librarian's Report (Vikrum):

  • every semester I believe I've found the solution to my procrastination and every semester I'm wrong
  • not saying the phrase "it's been a week" because I know someone has definitely said that already above me
  • anyway, book buy post is up with only one of the usual suspects memeposting!
  • will do the usual run of reviewing and finding out what games are like before making any final decisions so keep bumping and praising the choices you like!
  • No work done on the classification system for fairly apparent reasons, apologies everyone :(
  • hey google play yellow cab by joni mitchell

Fresher Rep's Report (Ethan):

  • Covid lockdown
  • Had boardgame event cancelled
  • Had weekly episode of monkey goblins cancelled
  • Watched as 5 members of Unigames collectively spend nearly 2000 aud on cardboard
  • Finished part 1 of 3 of Westmarche regs
  • Figured out TTS Commander
  • Miss you guys

Reports de la OCM (Amber, Chris, Nina, Texas):

  • Amber:

    • My mind shut down since the lockdown announcement on Friday and hasn't restarted properly since.
    • I have been physically and mentally incapable of doing anything except basic recreational activities.
    • I can't even talk over voice properly because my parents would overhear me.
    • I miss everyone : (
  • Chris:

    • Week 9: featuring Chris being the least productive he's ever been in his life
    • also featuring Chris submitting his report on time
    • I've had limited access to caffeine so forgive me if my memory fails me at any point
    • Counted how many dice I have. It's 42.
    • Got a McDonalds ad on youtube while watching a McDonalds conspiracy video
    • pondered cosmic onions
    • Looking forward to witnessing real life people in their natural (clubroom) habitat
  • Nina:

    • wow it sure has been A Week, huh?
    • what did i even do???
    • what is time???
    • handed in an assignment late, there's that
    • got tested for COVID! It was a lil uncomfy but over in a second or too
    • it came back negative btw!!
    • shoutout to childhood cancer for making me eligible for the Pfizer vaccine when it becomes available later this week, you were a right headache to live through but you're finally coming through with something other than a sick ass scar
    • plz stay safe everyone, mentally and physically!
  • Texas:

    • getting homestuck (voluntarily) - its helping me with data structures
    • watched 5min crafts
    • in case you didn't know, the Josh fight happened and Josh won
    • started the deep dive into worldbuilding
    • unknowingly accidentally yurkeyd rootin tootin emp
    • went to first aid class and should be getting the cert for that soon
    • submitted the emp for Mostly Monster mBoardgames
    • motivation is at an all time low!
    • i have no dragons :(

Past action Items:


Pick up prerelease packs - plague

Put toether SwanCon schedule - yes

Message/poke Taylor about tables (along with Emerald) -no

Measure cupboard things with new tape measures -no

Long term borrowing regulations - no


Tenancy consultation (along with Jackie) - plague

Message/poke Taylor about tables (along with Alistair) - later

Look into coffee tables - done


Tenancy consultation (along with Emerald) -plague


Send out newsletter -no


Make list of SwanCon games to bring - plague

Make book buy post - yes

Dish out some strikes - yes


Week 11 painting day EMP - no (plague dependent)

Buy 2x tape measure - no


EMP for 1 page one shot night - done


Talk with Neville about collab - not done


Week 11 board games organisation things - done


  • no updates


  • no updates

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • Cooperative Board Games [Week 9 Wednesday 28/4 5pm]

    • Cancelled
    • RIP
    • Now will be study break board games
  • Mostly Monster MBoardgames [Week 11 11/5 Tuesday 5pm]

    • Hype
  • Cooperative Study Break Board Games [study break]

Ethan: Cooperative Board Games for Study Break


  • Week 10: 1 page RPG night [Week 10 Friday 7/5]
    • This is the same night as EMS Inferno, which will mean there might be noise and bathrooms might be blocked up

Chris: Make post asking for interested GMs

Magic: The Gavining

  • Strixhaven Prelease [Sunday 16/5]

    • Delayed till 16/5
  • Modern Horizons Prelease

    • Alistair heard back about it
    • It would be significanly more expensive than standard pre-release, would be $60-$70 pp

Alistair: Make EOI post for Modern Horizons


  • Week 12 painting day [Monday 17/5 2pm]

Ethan: Organise Week 12 Painting Day

Fresher Campaigns

  • No new signups
  • Not many campaigns ran this week (lockdown)


Swancon [24/4/21 - 26/4/21]:

  • Thank you to everyone who volunteered to help
  • Sorry the lockdown happened to cancel it
  • There might be something happening later in the year... stay tuned

Book Buy

https://www.facebook.com/groups/uwa.unigames/permalink/3891892090846474 - Comment on the post (linked above) if you have any suggestions - We'll be deciding what to buy in a couple of weeks

Vikrum: Compile Book Buy Spreadsheet

Unigames [Redacted] [Friday 16/7/21 - Monday 19/7/21]:

  • First Aid
  • Alistair has bothered Leigh
  • Emerald needs to send AListair her schedule

Everyone: Put certifications on the drive

Quiz Night [Probably Friday 20/8 or 27/8]:

  • In the works

Collab [REDACTED] 2021 [19/11/21 - 22/11/21]:

  • UniSFA has temporarily put Cam in as subcommittee rep

UWASCA collab

  • No updates

Nina: Talk to Neville

Far Future Events:

Roleplay for Life [Probably Sat 4/9 - Sun 5/9]:

Relay for Life [October]:

Cameron Hall-o-ween @ 77 Social [Thursday 21/10/21]:


Complete: - $42.90 for testing and tagging to Guild


  • Elevator

    • no updates
  • Semester grants

    • no updates
  • Best Club award

    • no updates
  • Tenancy Consultation

    • Happening tomorrow (probably)

General Business:

Room Update

  • Tables

Emerald: Poke Taylor about table things

  • Cupboards

    • no updates (pandemic blues)
  • Coffee Table

    • Emerald proposes coffee table width and height of approx 80cm
    • Emerald found a nice walnut table that would work... for $1000

Emerald: Keep looking at coffee table things


  • Alistair proposes committee coming into the clubroom on Sunday to do some library data entry


Gwen: Newsletter


Alistair: Longterm borrowing regulations

Westmarch Campaign

  • Ethan has regulations to get approved
  • Committee reads through the regulations and gives a few suggested edits
  • Emerald is proposed as Unigames Committee Representative for Westmarch
  • Part 1 of the Westmarch regulations have been passed
  • If anyone would like to see the regulations so far please contact Ethan

Meeting closed: 8:10pm