Unigames Committee Meeting #9 - 30/03/2020

by Autumn Brough 30/03/20

Unigames Committee Meeting #9 - 23/04/2020


  • Alistair
  • Taylor
  • Jackie
  • Autumn
  • Emerald
  • Alice
  • Ash
  • Josh
  • Kyle


  • Gwen

Meeting scheduled: 5:30pm

Meeting open 5:36pm


President's Report (Alistair):

  • Did some looking into online quiz platforms
  • SOC meeting tomorrow so hopefully we'll get some updates on timelines
  • I don't remember the last time I left the house

Vice-President's Report (Taylor):

  • shh she's sleepin

Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • [insert midsem comment]
  • SPG info is out!
  • double checked with amelia abt who did finances in halloween (nadia and will), talked to will who told me to ask nadia, talked to nadia and she told me to check in with cam or autumn instead. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  • update: i was mid-writing my report and nadia messaged again saying UCC might have been responsible for the financial statement
  • would contact jarcus abt it but he's currently tutoring a lab for my cits unit lol
  • still waiting on a reply from jameson but i made a pretty excel template ready to be used for the application
  • sat in on TTS Tuesday for the final part and it was v nice thank u emerald and autumn for running it!
  • account balance: $1,493.57
  • cash on hand: $7

Secretary's Report (Autumn):

  • Ran Monster of the Week!
  • Attended tabletop tuesday and also quest for the best game
  • Had a Charity Unvigil meeting, that's progressing
  • LFG

Librarian's Report (Emerald):

  • picked out library repair things, library is officially being repaired!!
  • ran MOTW ONEshot I finished it in one session and everything
  • ran TTsT, it went really well
  • few tech issues with people connecting but nothing that wasn't solved
  • had people texting me about missing this weeks and keen for next weeks which is pog

Fresher Rep's Report (Alice):

  • I contacted a bunch of people about star wars rpg - i had three gms and then two of them dropped out. (Like, today and yesterday so i havent figured out what to do about it yet)
  • I wrote a little message for Autumn's email
  • I tried to send out a message to the fresher mailing list and was rejected. Again.
  • I lost my job.
  • Aaaand I really miss Cameron hall. Also I miss my sister. And I miss life before quarantine.

Reports de la OCM (Ashleigh, Gwen, Josh, Kyle):

  • Ash:
    • Hung out at the quest for the ultimate board game
    • Yeet
  • Gwen:
    • My exam went well! (Yes I did write this report before my exam)
    • Ran "Pursuit of the Best Online Board Game" which went pretty well, though numbers weren't super high (which I didn't mind because it made it easier to decide which games we were to play)
    • It was agreed at the end that 7 Wonders (on Board Game Arena) was the best online board game.
    • Shout out to Board Game Arena which just has really nice adaptions of Board Games onto the online space, and a premium account is only like $2 a month
  • Josh:
    • Discord boost action item got sniped (thanks Alex)
  • Kyle:
    • Currently charging my headphones
    • Went to tactics to get unvigil prizes now I have a sore throat.
    • Checking covid updates daily to see when I can get back to wargaming

Past action Items:


Organise Star Wars games (along with Alice) - work in progress Have a go at making some fresher games (along with Autumn, Alice) - not done Threaten Halloween reps with a meeting - not done Contact the webkeepers about the website - vaguely


Contact Will about halloween 2019 - done! a long quest was completed See if the SPG form is online, send Jameson a followup email - done, waiting on reply


Run MOTW (along with Emerald) - done Have a go at making some fresher games (along with Taylor, Alice) - not done Ask UCC what their explicit reason for reducing their prize spending (along with Kyle, Alice) - done Do the Charity Unvigil EMP and Facebook event - done Bug webkeepers about broken fresher mailing list - happening


Orchestrate Tabletop Tuesdays - done Run MOTW (along with Autumn) - done


Organise Star Wars games (along with Taylor) - a valiant valiant effort was made Have a go at making some fresher games (along with Taylor, Autumn) - not done Ask UCC what their explicit reason for reducing their prize spending (along with Kyle, Autumn) - done


Ask UCC what their explicit reason for reducing their prize spending (along with Autumn, Alice) - done Keep organising Unvigil events - done Make a visit to Tactics - done


Buy discord nitro, boost our server, send Jackie the receipt - sniped, our goals were met


Run Quest for Online Board Games - done!

Board Games

  • Quest for the Best
    • It happened! Fun was had!
    • Eight or nine people at the peak
    • Games were voted on and played
    • It was better to be assertive and pick games instead of letting people wander in circles saying "i don't mind"
    • Strong recommendation for board game arena
    • 7 Wonders was the winning game
  • Tabletop Tuesdays
    • Went really well!
    • Seven or eight players for most of the night
    • Some tech issues with getting people logged into the server
    • Following a structure of allowing people to suggest games, and then a leader to dictate which game was played was highly effective

Emerald: Run TTS Tuesday next week

  • Next board game event?
    • Do we have any ideas for themes we could run? Unfortunately that's a lot harder when we don't have our library at our disposal
    • Emerald: Could we do plant-related games?
    • Gwen: Could we do regional games, e.g. games from Asia?
      • Gwen pulls up some sites and finds examples of games for this theme
    • Discussion over what the oldest game in the world is

Gwen, Josh: Organise International Games Night


  • Monster of the Week
    • Our GMs were Autumn, Emerald, Vikrum, and Merlin
    • Huge thank you to Vikrum
    • Emerald used roll20 which was useful for maps and automating
    • Autumn was able to run her game fine without
    • MotW is well suited to an online format
  • Star Wars
    • Alice was able to gather three GMs, but two of them dropped out in the past two days
    • Strong consideration of calling off the event
    • Emerald: Do we know more GMs who could do Numenera?

Alice, Alistair: Organise a Numenera oneshot on the star wars week


  • New set drops in paper in 2 weeks
  • Aoibhinn asked about a prerelease and now Alistair is sad
  • Can we do a draft, maybe?
  • We are not getting clearance in the next 2 weeks


  • Screaming out of the abyss
  • Unable to find a way to run these online
  • Painting day had minimal attendance
  • Wargames are dead for now

Fresher Campaigns

  • No progress was made for now

Autumn, Alice: Make the first fresher campaigns and send them out this weekend


Halloween 2019:

  • Jackie has followed an extremely long trading quest string of people for information
  • Apparently UCC has a hand so let's ask them

Jackie: Contact Jarcus about Halloween

Charity UnVigil:

  • Activities on our night: Kyle is mapping out RPGs and board games
  • Activities on the collab night: We are aiming to run Empty Epsilon or Artemis as the big collab event, and as a more drop-in-drop-out option we're gonna have a Minecraft server
  • Thank you Kyle for picking up raffle prizes from tactics
  • $22.50 was spent at Tactics on raffle prizes
  • THANK YOU TACTICS for your donations
  • On the budget front: Had a stern chat with UCC about them wanting to drop their budget, Jarcus will return to their committee and hopefully get a $100 budget approved. If not, we will all be spending $50.

Autumn, Kyle: Keep organising Unvigil

Jackie, Autumn: Work on a collab night banner

Jackie: Get Kyle's Tactics receipt

[REDACTED] 2020: Ghost Camp:

  • Unfortunately Taylor is not here

Room Update:

  • lol


  • Pending:
    • Emerald for Oday Ice once she brings her receipt
    • Emerald for book repairs: $14.06
    • Kyle: $104.22 + $22.50 = $126.72 once Guild lets us make withdrawals
    • Jackie: -$7


  • Special Projects Grants
    • Due date pushed back to a month from now, 27/5
    • Emphasis on online events
    • Unisfa has submitted an SPG, which we can reference

Jackie: Get on Jameson's case about SPGs

  • "SOC Meeting" tomorrow
    • Apparently all pre-recorded?
    • Link provided for asking questions that weren't in the agenda

Emerald, Taylor: Be aware of the SOC meeting

General Business:


  • Has anyone noticed any dropouts?
  • The quality seems pretty passable
  • The only issues, which are extant, seem to be with people's spotty connections or push to talk issues

Book Repair

  • It's happening!
  • Emerald is repairing Galaxy Trucker right now!
  • Tape was forgotten from the list so glueing and reinforcing is happening
  • Books are going to be rebound
  • Motion to increase the book repair budget from $10 to $30, including the $14.06 already spent.
    • Motion approved unanimously

Emerald: Wield tape for book repair

Mailing Lists

  • The fresher mailing list went down about a week ago
  • Autumn has been bugging webkeepers to bug UCC about it

Autumn: Bug Donald about the mailing list being down

Autumn: Send out a newsletter

Meeting closed: 6:18pm

-- This Week's Action Items: Alistair:

Organise a Numenera oneshot on the star wars week (along with Alice)


Be aware of the SOC meeting (along with Emerald)


Contact Jarcus about Halloween

Contact Jarcus about Halloween (along with )

Work on a collab night banner (along with Autumn)

Get Kyle's Tactics receipt

Get on Jameson's case about SPGs


Make the first fresher campaigns and send them out this weekend (along with Alice)

Keep organising Unvigil (along with Kyle)

Work on a collab night banner (along with Jackie)

Bug Donald about the mailing list being down

Send out a newsletter


Run TTS Tuesday next week

Be aware of the SOC meeting (along with Taylor)

Wield tape for book repair


Organise a Numenera oneshot on the star wars week (along with Alistair)

Make the first fresher campaigns and send them out this weekend (along with Autumn)


Keep organising Unvigil (along with Autumn)


Organise International Games Night (along with Gwen)


Organise International Games Night (along with Josh)