Unigames November Newsletter

by Joshua Annison 01/12/23

Unigames November Newsletter

This is the newsletter. Yes I still do these as part of my duties when I am not busy crying about the fact no one reads these. Hopefully y'all are prepared for Christmas (don't worry, it is not quite almost Christmas time, as a certain president likes to remind me). Why don't you all kick back and try to forget about marks coming out, and get ready for some Unigames related happenings for your reading pleasure.

In case you haven’t joined them yet: Facebook group: (https://www.facebook.com/groups/uwa.unigames) Discord server: (https://discord.gg/gXrnSvA)

For best reading experience I recommend listening to a bit of music. This month we got some on the nose music for you, but hey I happen to quite like this song

Upcoming Events

Chris' Worldbuilding Games (Mid-December)

  • They are games all about worldbuilding, which we know a significant portion of our member base enjoys doing, so why not do it with friends? (And Chris)

Arc Oneshot 2: Electric Boogaloo

  • Created to replace my great event, this event will be an RPG one shot using Arc. We have had one of these events before, but it had incredibly low turnout for a variety of reasons, so maybe this time will be better?

L5R RPG - Second week of January??

  • I promise we will get to play L5R at some point okay? I have been fighting the forces of evil for so long, one day we will be able to play a fun samurai clan RPG I swear

MTG Trivia Night - Thursday the 7th of December

  • Think you know MTG? Better than people like Donald? Then this event is for you. Come on down to the MTG Trivia Night for a battle of wits that doesn't involve reading the card. (Although that may help, it does explain the card)

Doubles Warhammer 10e Open w/ Matt - Early January

  • From the same Matt that bought you the last two Warhammer 10e Open Events comes the anticipated next instalment in what was once considered a "forgotten" pillar of our fair club. Find your doubles friend now and you can secure your spot when tickets are released!


All our minutes go live here after the Committee Meeting every Monday. In the minutes you can see what your committee has been doing for the club during the week and some hints at upcoming events.


If you want to contact Unigames committee, you can do so through our Facebook page, Discord, or email us at uwaunigames@gmail.com.

No game this time

Hey guys so I actually just want to know how many people read these newsletters, so if you could just click the link I can get a good estimate of how many people actually read these. Thanks