Unigames Ordinary General Meeting 03/09/2021

by Guinevere Sellner 03/09/21

Unigames Ordinary General Meeting 03/09/2021


  • Alistair Langton
  • Vikrum Sithambaram
  • Amber Cheung
  • Merlin Hoskins
  • William Jacquet
  • David Giles
  • James Osborne
  • Jazz White
  • Harrison Lee-Kelly
  • Donald Sutherland
  • Christopher Leak
  • Ethan Gibson
  • Jackie Shan

Meeting Scheduled: 1pm

Meeting Open: 1:15pm

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  • President's Report

    • big sad about CotW but I guess thats what I get for doing this the day after Quiz Night again
    • Lots of events have been happening this year, the new room is popping off
    • Still a few more things that we have to get done, but we've acquired most of our new furniture
    • We have many exciting events for the next half of the year
  • Vice President's Report

    • Apologies, I'm at work :I
    • This year I have made most of my work towards the club organising the buying and building of new furniture for the room!
    • I helped organise camp, and did the truly laudable effort of showing up on an insane amount of painkillers so we didn't have to change any of the paperwork when I got appendicitis on the week of.
    • I sponsored and babysat the Westmarche as it was built from the ground up, and I'm insanely proud of everyone involved in creating it you've all done a brilliant job!
    • Thank you for having me!
  • Treasurer's Report

    • hi nerds! it's ur 2021 trez (jackie), still alive
    • this year i've been plagued with terminal treasurer and unigames brain
    • here's a quick-ish summary of what i've done so far this year:
    • done many grant applications (semester, SPG, ODay)
    • working on an envirogrant (Can Hall Can Collection) with other clubs
    • ran a v successful charity vigil ($2058.17)
    • unofficial camp leader and very official money person & RSA for unigames camp 2021
    • gone to all the SOCPAC meetings
    • been doing graphic design
    • organising and getting pyramid camp (2021 joint camp) ready!!
    • 19th - 22nd november, tickets on sale... hopefully after next week!
    • general day to day running of the club & overseeing finances
    • helping subcommittees with their budgets (quiz night)
    • starting balance: $9,903.31
    • current balance: $7,547.62
    • also guild still owes us like 1.7k lol
  • Secretary's Report

    • I've been secretary
    • the newsletter is a thing which didn't start at the beginning of the year but I've got it down packed for semester 2
    • I updated the website right at the beginning of the year
    • not been running a lot of events, apart from quiz night (which was literally last night). There were a few shenanigans leading up, but it was good fun all in all
  • Librarian's Report

    • hello everyone
    • Since I’ve become librarian I’ve done things not including the usual lifting of heavy objects and doing food runs
    • I’ve sorted out the first book buy of the year
    • I’ve created the board game classification system to be used for tagging things in the library; I’ll be starting that next week with the RPG classification system currently in the works :slight_smile:
    • I run 3(three) fresher campaigns for the club, one of which is Westmarche, which I help plan from the ground up and manage
    • And even though I’m basically an OCM with no privileges and added responsibilities, I’m doing a lot of things all the time which is [bad], I guess (mood negatively correlated with number of assignments due)
  • Fresher Rep's Report

    • Greetings was fresher rep.
    • Organised fresher campaigns at beginning of year and at the beginning of second semester.
    • Organised Westmarche and chaired meetings for Westmarche.
    • Did paint buy and ran painting days throughout the semester.
    • As well as minor events.
    • Also did Refresher Rewelcome
  • OCM's Reports

    • Amber // initiative: 11 on d20
      • Hello Friends!
      • This has been a year (factual)
      • I'm pretty sure I've gotten through this year with minimal mistakes (so long as you don't look at Quiz Night) [Sorry Jackie]
      • Been averaging 2 appointments a week for the entire semester which has been fun.
      • Despite this I did the last organised weekly event which is weird.
      • Got the keys that let me move out today!
    • Chris // initiative: 6 on d10
      • It sure has been a year, hasn’t it?
        • *half a year
      • From rpg one-shot nights to board game nights, from charity vigil to camp, there sure has been a lot going on this year.
      • This year I’ve organized a few one-shot nights for the club, and I’d like to thank all the GMs that have helped by running games on those nights, as we literally would not be able to have a one-shot night without them and all of them have done amazing jobs.
      • I am also organizing the Unigains Relay for Life team, so If you haven’t signed up yet, sign up!
    • Nina // initiative: N/A
      • Started off strong, assigned to the first board game night – Spies and Secrets – which went really well! Lots of engagement and fun!
      • I’m the one responsible for the sexy wooden alarm clock that always goes off at 7pm, you’re all welcome.
      • Next up was Nature Night! This board game sesh also went well, though there were less people and I did have to leave early (shoutout to Amber for being awesome and picking up the slack)
      • I attended PROSH and ran a Monster of the Week oneshot ft. banshees, faery rings and Toxic by Britney Spears! All my players were amazing and hold a special place in my heart
      • Ran the post-semester 1 board games – it was v chill.
      • Spent the next while trying to help get the UWASCA collab off the ground, but due to unforeseen circumstances outside of anyone’s control it had to be shelved, hopefully temporarily. I’m really excited to give it another shot though when people are feeling able to devote time and energy to it.
      • I ran LARP with Amber at camp – it was super fun and no one injured themselves except for Alistair but he wasn’t officially a part of larp so that’s on him – he also insisted on treating himself so my first aid skills went unneeded for the whole of camp, which I guess is good.
      • Gearing up for Cam-Hall-o’ween.
      • All in all I’ve had so much fun being an OCM, even though some things didn’t pan out like I wanted, and its been difficult juggling at times, I hope everyone has a wonderful rest of the year!!
    • Texas // initiative: N/A
      • ran some boardgame events and half a wargaming one. Designed posters for more
      • used big truck for ikea run and cabinet run and several food runs
      • built and moved some furniture
      • will be doing roleplay for life and am on the joint camp sub committee
      • learning trez things from jackie
      • hi friends hope yall are doing well and gl with your studies

General Updates

  • Recap on big events of the year so far:
    • ODAY: Good! ~100+ new members, good amount of returning members
    • Fresher Campigns running well and going strong, thanks Gibbi!
    • Charity Vigil raised a lot of money for PICYS: ~2k
      • hopefully a similar amount for uncharity (eyes emoji)
    • Camp was great! 33 attendees, good time was had, venue was excellent, profit was made
    • Quiz Night was last night, most people were there, was good
      • alistair is a boomer
  • Upcoming Events:
    • Next Tuesday: Mouse Guard One Shot
    • Next magic set release coming soon
    • MTG sealed league coming up too
    • Roleplay for Life: (September)
      • 24 hour event, 12pm saturday start going until 12pm sunday
      • not required to come for the whole time but ur allowed to
      • raising money for our relay team (cancer council)
      • pay to win RPGs!!
    • Relay for Life (October)
      • 24 hour event but this time with running/walking
      • raising money for cancer council
      • casual hanging out, good time!
      • strong recommend coming down and chilling, even if you don't run
    • Halloween Party..?! (October?)
      • just gotta find a venue
    • Joint Camp: Pyramid Camp!! (November)
      • Unigames, Unisfa, and UCC are working together to bring us a fun camp!
      • 19-22nd November
      • camp for buds :)))
      • this year will be at Manjedal
    • Uncharity Vigil (February)
      • like charity vigil, but raising money for the clubs!
        • to improve your experience :)
      • pay to win RPGs/Board Games
      • run together with the other clubs

General Business

  • Donald: website has been operational for some time!
    • library items can be added, and can be used for library purposes, but hasn't been done
    • this is because our librarian is working on a good tagging system for libraries before we start data entry
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Meeting closed: 1:33pm