Unigames Ordinary General Meeting 16/01/2024

by Joshua Annison 16/01/24

Unigames Ordinary General Meeting 16/01/2024


  • Jackie Shan
  • Ethan Gibson
  • Joshua Annison
  • David Giles
  • Genevieve Ferguson-Allen
  • Chris Leek
  • James Taylor
  • Oscar Gates
  • Hannah Niklaus (Online)
  • Connor Brennan (Online)
  • Nix Davis
  • Pixel Fielding
  • Angus Prosser
  • Jamie McGregor
  • Nene Fehlberg
  • Seraph Holdway
  • Emerald Aindow
  • Li Chu Vitulano (Online)
  • Liz (Online)

Meeting Scheduled: 1:00pm

Meeting Open: 1:27pm

Opened Under Committee of the Whole


  • President's Report

    • hi folks
    • still here, still doing presidential stuff
    • ran unigames 40th ball which had 80 attendees
    • was joint camp leader again for Cerberus camp (just like 2021)
    • have been working with my committee on bringing the incoming freshers for this year an exciting start of semester!
    • longer report to happen at the AGM
  • Vice President's Report

    • Been Vp this year so far
    • Ive been focussed on magic events as well as some longer term magic related projects
    • Thanks to everyone who's been coming to our events and contributing to our attendance across the board 😎
  • Treasurer's Report

    • If y'all want a full financial breakdown of the club, please attend the AGM in ~1.5 months
    • Biggest news from me is the $6000 we got from the semester 2 grant, thanks to a generous SOC Treasurer 👀
    • Account Balance: $10,712.00
  • Secretary's Report

    • I have done a lot but I will tell you about it later at our AGM
  • Librarian's Report

    • Ran book buy meeting, we have several new additions to the library!
    • Organised some events (mainly board game nights)
    • Chaired dice bag workshop subcom, helped with roleplay for life organisation
    • griddy
  • Fresher Rep's Report

    • Organised Fresher campaigns
    • helped organise/run C boardgames
    • helped organise/run Call of Cthulhu one-shot RPG night
    • (kinda) helped organise Cyberpunk one-shot RPG night
  • OCM's Reports

    • Chris // initiative: 6 on d6, 4 on d6

      • "Auggghhh"
      • Still Alive, doing Pokémon TCG organisation
    • Hannah // initiative: 0 (not here)

      • ran yeehaw boardgames
      • was on subcom for the dice bag workshop
      • currently working on ball handover
    • James // initiative: 6 on d20, 10 on d20

      • Ran a whole bunch of boardgames events including but not limited to "Investigation Boardgames Day" "Blood on the Clocktower" "Camp Boardgames" "
      • Ran two Warhammer 40k Tournaments
      • Helped out on various food runs
    • Oscar // initiative: 7 on d12

      • helped run a number of small events
      • was on quiz night subcom
      • helped with some rp4 life organisation
      • did other things (will talk more at agm)

Immediate Past President's Report (Emerald):

  • Emerald has attended: ==16/45 (34.78% WR)== Meeting
    • Doubled my meetings attended, but my grade is much worse, only in Unigames, all good university.

General Updates

  • Recap on big events of the year so far:
    • Unigames Ball
      • 80 attendees slay
      • Went well
      • Merch is done, waiting on shipping
    • Quiz Night
      • Went well
      • 100ish
      • Nice strong quiz night attendance
    • Joint Camp
      • Went well
      • going strong, will continue
  • Wargaming on the rise, we have stepped up to support it
  • Have a budget for the wargamers so they can benefit from the club more
  • Upcoming Events:
    • Uncharity
    • Warhammer Doubles
    • Bloodbowl League
    • BotC Events
    • RPG Nights:
      • L5r
      • Arc
    • Intro to:
      • Magic
      • Pokemon
    • Long Term Boardgames

Agenda Items

Constitutional Amendment

  • Motion to Table the proposed constitutional amendments for discussion at the end of the next AGM
    • In Favor: 17
    • Against: 1
    • Abstain: 0
  • Passes

General Business

  • Jackie wants a bank account soo badddd
    • It is now safe for us to do it
    • Allows us to get a card reader :eyes:
    • Does take effort
    • will need to talk with UCC
    • Angus: We would need a registered ABN for square reader
      • Jimbo: You can also have as unincorporated entity
    • Emerald: We could just have a committee member have a bank account and do that
    • Seraph: On surcharge, most square readers do also have a cost attached to them, so that is something to keep in mind
  • Jamie: Can we put these constitutional amendments at AGM's instead of OGM's
    • Jackie: We can but we wanted to try and get it done before the AGM. If you are submitting amendments you can also tell us when the meeting should happen
    • Chris: We do also have to do it in a certain timeframe of a motion being submitted

Meeting closed: 01:48pm