Unigames Ordinary General Meeting 29/08/2024

by Chris Leak 29/08/24

Unigames Ordinary General Meeting 29/08/2024


  • Connor Brennan
  • Geneveive Ferguson-Allen
  • Cooper Anderson
  • Merlin Hoskins
  • Finn Gearon
  • Patrick
  • McFerran
  • Patrick Burke
  • Kate Fistonich
  • Apollo Walters
  • Jackie Shan
  • Alistair Langton
  • Ezran Bailey
  • Scarlet Hannah
  • Nene Mars
  • Jeremy Butson
  • Jack Joseph Desedirius Bariss
  • Chris Leak
  • Joshua Annison
  • Nicholas Brown
  • Ashmit Sanctis
  • Lily Ellis-Smith

Meeting Scheduled 2:00pm Meeting Open: 2:25pm

Opened Under Committee of the Whole

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  • President's Report
    • I'm sorry we started late
    • Sorry in advance for all of the yapping I am about to do
    • After a very sick start to my presidency, we have been cooking with the gas of a committee filled with once bright-eyes Unigames members
    • I am very proud of my entire committee, old and new, and while there has been a lot of learning moments, we have been learning
    • In terms of your regular events, I ran:
      • Prosh
      • RPG O'Day
      • 2x Painting Event
      • Prereleases
      • 2x SNOM
      • Unigames Camp
      • Boardgames with UWAPhilSoc
    • In terms of some new things we have been cooking
      • Tokyo Alley
      • Access Department Ongoing Collaboration
      • Phoenix
    • In terms of administrative stuff
      • Uploading a bunch of old minutes
      • Bank Account is now set up and fully functional! (Thanks Connor and Jack)
      • In the process of formalising new positions in the regs to help formalise how leagues work in Unigames
      • First Aid Training
      • Food Run
      • And also lots of presidential cooking in the background
  • Vice President's Report
    • I've been your Vice President over the last 6 months!
    • I helped wrap up Uncharity Vigil subcom πŸ‘οΈπŸ‘„πŸ‘οΈ
    • I helped organise Charity Vigil, for 63 attendees
    • Did a teeny weeny bit of helping at Tokyo Alley
    • Got SLT
    • Helped facilitate getting the Unigames bank account set up
    • Helped facilitate a relationship between us and UWA Esports, hopefully for years to come πŸ§‘β€πŸ€β€πŸ§‘
    • Was a Camp Leader and Head Chef for the 70 attendee Kittens & Krakens Camp
    • I helped organise the Minecraft Cam Hall Factions server
    • I've done a good few more food runs
    • I've helped run n organise multiple RPG nights
    • I've attended most (if not all) of our SOCPACs this year
    • Finally, I am on the Joint [REDACTED] Subcommittee, and will be a [REDACTED] Leader for said event
    • AND, MY freaky NBA team won the NBA championship :DDD
  • Treasurer's Report
    • Goooooooood morning everyone!!
    • We started off with a solid $14,925.51 since our last AGM, and as of writing this last night we're sitting on top of $13,048.15 golden pennies in our Guild Account
    • Speaking of accounts, we now have a CommBank account, which has 339 dollars and a singular cent. You know who you are.
      • I have nearly transferred money into it when loading my debit card
      • You probably saw this at camp with our new digital tickets, we sold a total of 40 tickets online
      • We also used it at club carnival for 12 memberships
    • Like a good little goblin I've been shovelling more gold into the hoard
      • We got $381.50 from O'day Grants
      • We got $677.6 from Sem 1 Grants - this a lower number due to a late penalty being applied, my fault gang I was two minutes late
    • We got $688.50 from Sem 2 SPG's
      • $501.50 from Wargaming Supplies (our two new mats and sets of terrain)
      • $187 from Joint Quiz Night (this is still subject to profit/loss distribution tho, event is yet to run)
    • But what use is money if we don't spend it - sitting on top of a hoard of gold is fun but I like vonk and chicken crimpy shapes
      • We spent a total of $4553.46 dollars on Food Runs
      • Gibbi was reimbursed for $2841.75 dollars of MTG Booster Boxes
    • Despite being bright green and only stealing gold purses when no-one's looking I do in fact do regular committee stuff sometimes:
      • Ran one-page oneshot night
      • Helped connor drift the cart at a few food runs
      • Ate a whole tub of icecream within a committee meeting
      • Been on subcom for Joint Quiz (tickets are cheap due to that SPG!!!)
      • I've also been running a fresher campaign which is 100% off the rails at this point like how do they do it every time
  • Secretary's Report
    • The Newsletter is out! It's available! check it out!
      • Apparently my brain doesn't like remembering to do the newsletter
    • Been minuting
    • Getting Roleplay organised alongside Gen
    • Was involved in the Cam Hall Minecraft Factions server
    • Camp happened! Looking forward to if we do another one :eyes:
    • Got SLT
  • Librarian's Report
    • Hi everyone!
    • So far, in my term as Librarian I have:
    • Ice cube tray
    • Organised or helped organise various events
      • Social deduction boardgames
      • Call of Cthulhu Oneshot Night
      • Good Society Oneshot Night
      • Little guys little game oneshot night
      • Blood on the Clocktower Day
      • New Sem New Boardgames Day
      • Pop culture oneshot night
    • Helped organise Roleplay for Life
    • Was on the Dicebag workshop subcommittee
    • Went to half of Tokyo Alley
    • Went to Swan Con!
    • Helped out on camp
    • Researched the sem 1 bookbuy and made a very pretty powerpoint
    • Done a bit towards library repair (defo hope to focus more on that this Semester though) and have done various things for various games
      • As well as various other library-ish things
    • Got my first aid cert
    • Got SLT
  • Fresher Rep's Report

    • Have met many many lovely freshers and have been making sure they learn about all unigames has to offer

    • Had lots of fun helping out at Kittens and Krakens camp

    • Semester 1 fresher campaigns were planned and ran well, Semester 2 games are mostly up and running now too.

    • Helped out with various other committee responsibilities and looking forward to even more!

    • OCM's Reports

    • Jeremy // initiative: 2 on a d8

      • Ran 3 boardgame, 2 TTRPG nights/days
      • Made three (3) good jokes
      • Attended and/or GM'd a lot of other events
      • Was Unigames/other clubs PROSH Marshal
      • Went to and helped at our stall at Tokyo Alley
      • Encountered and endured sauceageddon at camp
        • Secretary's note: The beanpocalypse :(
      • Waiting for uncharity subcom to start
      • Come to another TTRPG event by yours truly TONITE
    • Nene // initiative: 12 on a d20
      • was on subcom for charity vigil
      • i have run dexterity boardgames, little guys little games, and will soon run our UWAnime collab and one-page rpgs
      • created a new open sign and new gatekeeper list for the club room and brought in our vacuum!
      • helped run unigames camp and ran assassins
      • have been reorganising the monolith (slowly)
      • been keeping the calendar updated in the club room and have been refreshing the glass, with help when i fuck it up
      • since being elected to committee (26 weeks ago) i have won fortnite 39 times, with a week high of 7 wins
    • Nix // initiative: 0 on a d0
      • Warhammer happening!!
        • we have terrain guys please use it
      • Imminent Wargaming TTS event, and Yu-Gi-Oh Expression of Interest
      • Ghost of Painting Days Past and Future (Gonna run one somewhat soon)
      • Quiz Night!! That's a thing thats happening
      • Also maybe we get some Age of Sigmar stuff if it gets popular again but we'll see
    • Oscar // initiative: 0 on a d0
      • Helped organise/run a number of boardgame and RPG events
      • Been on the Dicebag Making Workshop collaboration with UWASCA alongside Gen
      • Haven’t done a whole lot this semester due to being violently ill for more than 2/6 weeks so far, but hopefully will be able to do more in the latter half of the semester

    Immediate Past President's Report (Jackie):

    Attended 24/25 meetings - did presidential advisory - only missed one committee meeting - assisted subcoms - budget helped - helped set up bank account - wrote long emails - run escape hunt - gavin

    General Updates

Recap on big events of the year so far:

  • AGM
    • It happened successfully
  • Fresher Welcome
    • 75 people!!!
    • Correct amount of pizza brought!
    • Attendance was a warning for the rest of the events
  • RPG O'Day
    • Second year running this event
    • Implemented feedback from last year
    • ~20 attendees
  • Variety Oneshot Night
    • 35 Attendees
    • Had some last second issues due to a guild misplay, but worked out well in the end
  • Prosh
    • 15 Attendees!
    • Better turnout considering we only combined with UniSFA and not UWAnime
  • Charity Vigil
    • ~63 Attendees
    • Pizza was ordered from Malaga for some reason
    • $2030.20 raised
  • Camp
    • Wowzers
    • Highest attendance camp in Unigames history (~70)

Upcoming Events:

  • UWAlternative Collab - 29/8 @ 4pm
  • Roleplay for Life - 31/8-1/9
  • Chill Boardgames - 4/9 @ 12pm Study Week
  • Laser Tag with eSports and UCC and CSSC - Thursday 5/9 @ 6pm @ Lazer Blaze Willetton
  • Cameron Hall Quiz Night - 12/9 @ The Tav
  • Dice Bag Workshop - 15/9 at 1-5pm @ Ezone Central 207
  • Relay for Life - 5/10-6/10
  • And loads more with unconfirmed dates!

Agenda Items

  • yippee there are none

General Business

Meeting Closed: 2:39pm