Unigames September Newsletter 2024

by Chris Leak 30th Sep 2024

Unigames September Newsletter 2024

We're at the end of September now, and Unigames has some big events coming up! Get your running shoes and some fancy dice ready as we look at some of the events we've run so far in semester two, and have a little look at the upcoming events we have real soon!

These newsletters are releasing MONTHLY now, so check your inboxes at the end of each month for an update on where Unigames is at and what’s coming up!

Upcoming at Unigames

D20 Oneshot Night - Friday 4/10 @ 5pm

There are a many ways to gamble in our world... Many like to use cards, others like to pray to the Gacha gods... However, on Friday the 4th of October, at 5pm, you can pickup your 20-sided dice, and roll away at the d20 Oneshot Night!

We'll be hosting numerous different systems, all which primarily use the d20 as their dice of choice! It'll be going down in the Unigames clubroom and the Loft, where we'll have some reserve GMs, where you can reserve your spot ahead of time in the current-events forum post in the discord! Otherwise, you can just show up on the night and join a game with one of our backup GMs!

It's gonna be a wild time, hopefully we'll see y'all there!

Relay for Life - Saturday 5/10 12pm - Sunday 6/10 12pm

This year's Relay for Life is coming up and we'd love to see y'all attend! Theovernight relay begins Saturday 5th of October at 10am, and runs till 10am Sunday! Folks show up for part or all of the event to run, walk or dance laps and keep our chosen baton moving for the whole 24 hours! There are games, hijinks and they usually make us breakfast!

If this sounds like fun to you, we'd love for you to join our combined team with UniSFA: Unigains goes Unisfast!

Tickets for the event cost $40. Ticket money goest straight to donations, so you're helping the cause just by showing up!

To get tickets, go to our team link at https://www.relayforlife.org.au/fundraisers/UnigainsgoesUnisfast and sign up there! You can find more information on the official relay page at https://www.relayforlife.org.au/event/uwa-2024 Hopefully we can expect to see y'all there!

Non-Games-Workshop Wargaming event - Wednesday 9/10 @ 6pm

At 6pm on the 9th of october we will be running a Non-GW Wargaming event on Tabletop simulator! We will be focusing on games such as Quar, Magnagothica Maleghast and Turnip28, but if you have a game you want to play, feel free to play it as well! Either join with a friend to learn a new system, or we can find you someone to play with on the night!

Join in on a night of wargaming, fun, and getting the rules hilariously wrong! Tabletop Simulator can be found on steam at https://store.steampowered.com/app/286160/Tabletop_Simulator/

Blood Bowl for Life - Saturday 12/10 @ 9am

In the style of our Roleplay for Life event, we bring to you Blood Bowl for Life!! The event will be held on the 12th of october from 9am and should hopefully wrap up by 7pm in EZONE 207.

Form a team and play three games over the day! Teams (depending on the tier) will be built from your hard earned cash, and players can pay for various buffs throughout the day, with all money raised going directly to our Relay for Life team!

If you would like to sign up, send a DM to Cameron Locke on discord with your Blood Bowl team, who will be checking the cost and all that, and can send you additional details.

Also, please let us know if you are able to bring a pitch on the day, so we can see if we need to source additional pitches.

There is also an information pack for players that can be found in the bb-announcements channel on the discord!

Previous Events

You might be wondering what Unigames has been up to this last little while, so here's a quick summary of what's happened since June!

Major Events

Unigames Ordinary General Meeting - 29/8

Unigames had our semester two Ordinary General Meeting where we reported what we've been up to in the first half of the year. The minutes from that meeting can be found at https://unigames.asn.au/blog/post/unigames-ordinary-general-meeting-29082024/

Roleplay for Life - 31/8-1/9

Unigames held our annual Roleplay for Life, a 24-hour pay to win RPG event where we raised money for the Cancer Council via our Relay for Life team.

UWAES x UCC x Unigames x CSSC Laser Tag - 5/9

After the success of the previous Laser Tag event, we held another with the clubs UWAES, UCC and CSSC. Check them out!

Cameron Hall Joint Quiz Night w/ UniSFA, UCC, UWASCA - 12/9

On the 12th of September, we and some of our friendly clubs held a [_]-punk themed Quiz Night down at the UWA Tav. We run one of these quizzes every year, and this year it was just as much of a blast!

Dice Bag Making Workshop w/ UWASCA - 15/9

On the 15th of September we teamed up with UWASCA to hold another Dice bag making workshop! Participants had a great time making their own dice bags.


Some of our committee members have been working real hard on our zine known as Phoenix, alonside all those who submitted something to be included. The theme this year is "Revival", so keep an eye out for the zine when it's released. I'd like to especially mention our president Joshua who has been hard at work compiling the entries and making the zine itself.

RPGs and Boardgames

Unigames have held a number of RPG and Boardgame events over the last while. Here’s the list of all of the regular RPG and Boardgame events we have run since the last newsletter:

  • RPGs
    • Music Genre TTRPG Night w/ UWAlternative Music Club (29/8)
    • Fantasy Oneshot Night w/ UniSFA (11/9)
    • Anime Oneshot Night w/ UWAnime
  • Boardgames
    • Roller Dice & Skates w/ UWARC (23/8)
    • Unigames x Access board games (28/8)
    • Chill Boardgames - (4/9)
    • Competitive Boardgames w/ PCS - (26/9)

If you have any suggestions for TTRPG systems we can run, or themed boardgame nights we can hold, let us know! You can message any of our committee members, or chuck a message in our Discord #Feedback channel (link below).

Also, if YOU are an experienced Game Master and want to help us run some of our One-Shot Nights, let us know! We have a Facebook poll where you can tell us what systems you are familiar with and are willing to help run (link also below).

Discord #Feedback channel: https://discord.com/channels/459261533885825025/691526818532032544

Facebook Game Master Poll: https://www.facebook.com/groups/uwa.unigames/permalink/7322916097744039


We’ve had a great start to the year for Wargaming, and we are far from finished. Here are some of the events we have run so far:

  • Blood Bowl League – season 2 has commenced!
  • Painting Day - 28/9

We are in the process of planning another Warhammer tournament soon, so keep your eyes peeled on our Announcements and Events for updates! If you are interested in Blood Bowl, and want to get involved, check out our Blood Bowl channels on our discord server for more info!

Collaborative events

We have collaborated with a number of clubs and departments over the last while, including the following:

  • UWA Rollerblading Club (UWARC)
  • UWAlternative Music Club
  • UWA Guild Access Department
  • UWA Esports Club (UWAES)
  • University Computer Club (UCC)
  • Computer Science Students Club (CSSC)
  • University Science Fiction and Fantasy Assocatiation (UniSFA)
  • University Society for Creative Anachronism (UWASCA)
  • UWAnime
  • UWA Programming Competition Society (PCS)

Check these wonderful people out! If you or your club want to collaborate with Unigames on an event, feel free to send us an email at uwaunigames@gmail.com. We have yet more collaborations to come, so keep an eye out for those!

TCG Events

We’ve had a couple of TCG events since the last newsletter, including some of the following:

  • MTG: Duskmourn Prerelease (22/9)


Every week, we post the minutes of the committee meeting from that week. You can read the weekly minutes at https://unigames.asn.au/blog/ !

Contact and Links

Committee Email: uwaunigames@gmail.com

Website: https://unigames.asn.au/

Main Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/uwa.unigames

UWA Magic Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/uwamagic

Permanent Discord Invite Link: https://bit.ly/unigamesdiscord

UCC Webcams: https://webcam.ucc.asn.au/ (check if the clubrooms are open! password in the clubroom)

Unigames FAQ: https://unigames.asn.au/faq/

How to get to the clubroom: https://bit.ly/unigamesvideogsc24 / https://bit.ly/unigamesvideeooak24

Theme Selector

Note: Themes are a WIP, and some elements may not render correctly in Dark Mode.

Current theme: