Unigames Winter Newsletter 2024
by Chris Leak 20/08/24
Unigames Winter Newsletter 2024
With Winter wrapping up, Unigames is planning some wild events, and collabing with some of our good friends at some other clubs. Get your character sheets and some reading spectacles as we look at some of the events we ran over the break and the beginning of the semester, and have a cheeky gander at the upcoming events we are seeing real soon!
This is the second Newsletter of the year and covers June all the way to August, but in the future, these should be releasing MONTHLY (for real this time), so check your inboxes at the beginning of each month for an update on where Unigames is at and what’s coming up!
Upcoming at Unigames
Roller Dice & Skates - Friday 23/8 @ 10am
This Friday, we have a collaboration with the one and only UWA Rollerblading Club! Join us after the morning skate at 10am or just come along to the clubroom for some movement based boardgames! If you wish to join the UWARC Morning Skate at 7:30 if you are interested, head to the Matilda Bay Gazebo and fill out the following form so they can bring you a pair of outdoor skates: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd8bQ1lrTYG9r2T-zXZrQHW6Qq5RVP2qa39UtU01NXPQXrm2A/viewform
Ordinary General Meeting - Thursday 29/8 @ 2pm
Unigames is holding an Ordinary General Meeting in the Guild Council Room at 2pm on Thursday the 29th of August. This venue is unrestricted to non-students and is wheelchair accessible. Join us for an update on what the committee has been doing and how the club is running.
The current agenda for the meeting is: - Reports - General Updates - General Business
Motions and any proposed constitutional changes can be submitted by any two ordinary members to uwaunigames@gmail.com. Constitutional amendments must be sent to me (Chris Leak) no less than four days before the OGM (25/8), and motions no less than seven days (22/8).
Here's the Facebook event, where you can find any proposed amendments and motions: https://fb.me/e/4OTmmIRMu
If you would like to make an absentee vote on any constitutional amendments, please message either Chris Leak or Joshua Annison on Facebook or Discord at least one hour before the meeting is due to start, in this case before 1pm. Proxy votes are not permitted. Note that only Ordiinary Financial Members are permitted to vote at meetings.
As always, you can get in contact with us by sending an email, over Facebook, or over on the Discord. You can find links to each of these places at the end of this Newsletter.
Roleplay For Life - 12pm 31/8 - 12pm 1/9
For the uninitiated, Roleplay for Life is a Unigames companion event to Relay for Life, where we run 24 hours of charity raising RPGs, complete with a slew of micro-transactions!
Over the weekend of the 31st of August to the 1st of September, (just a few weeks from now!) we will endeavour to run RPGs from 12pm to 12pm, with a livestream running and a host of tables that will need filling.
The games run are silly, ridiculous and downright pay to win, and will be scheduled for various points throughout the night to keep morale going right until the end!
It’s a $5 entry to get a character, and $2 for every character after that. After that, you’ll be free to drop money in on boosting your own game or interfering with others!
If you are interested in GM’ing over the 24 hours, please express your interest and what you want to run in the attached thread or over in the Facebook event, and either Chris Leak (me) or Gen Allen will get in contact with you to figure out when you’ll be running and what you’ll be running, so we can put together a pretty little spreadsheet of the night!
Unigames is bringing back Phoenix!
Phoenix is a Unigames member-made zine, and there is plenty of different things to submit! Make a one-page RPG, tell us your campaign stories, review your favourite boardgame, make some art of your game, the possibilities are endless!
Submissions close tomorrow night (21/8) at 11:59pm! You can submit to the 'zine at the following link: https://forms.gle/U4d4RSe6GmGf6Wp98
The theme for phoenix this year is Revival! While you do not need to follow this for your writing and art, the cover art and overall themeing of the zine will be following this theme!
We also encourage you to make a design for the front cover! In the form there is an option to specify this. If your cover submission does not get selected, it will still be printed within Phoenix itself! Cover submissions must include the title: Phoenix, and include the clubs name.
If you would like to look through older editions of Phoenix, we have two in the clubroom, in the "Other Magazines" section of the library!
Previous Events
You might be wondering what Unigames has been up to this last little while, so here's a quick summary of what's happened since June!
Major Events
Kittens and Krakens Camp - Held from 21/6-24/6
This year's Kittens and Krakens Unigames camp saw an attendance of just under 70 people! For our biggest camp yet, we saw various activities, some new, some old, such as: - Assassins - LARP - One-shots - Lots and lots of Boardgames - MTG Jeopardy - Courtesy of our good friend Donald Looking forward to next year's (hypothetical) annual camp!
Esports X UCC x Unigames Lazer Tag - Held on 10/7
We, alongside our good friends at UWA Esports Club and UCC took a trip to Lazer Blaze at Willetton for a night of Lazer Tag! Everyone who went had a blast, and rumors are, we may be beginning to organise another one...
Cameron Hall Minecraft Factions server
A Number of clubs, including Unigames, UniSFA, UCC, UWA Esports Club and the University Robotics Club were all involved in creating factions for a Minecraft War server!
After an explosive beginning, things have slowed down a little going into semester, but the drama, the action and most importantly THE WAR created for a very intense, very engaging experience.
RPGs and Boardgames
Unigames have held a number of RPG and Boardgame events over the last while. Here’s the list of all of the regular RPG and Boardgame events we have run since the last newsletter:
- RPGs
- Mork Borg One-shot Night (4/7)
- Powered by the Apocalypse One-shot Night (31/7)
- Pop Culture One-shot Night (16/8)
- Boardgames
- Blood on the Clocktower (16/6)
- Camped Out Boardgames (17/6)
- New Semester, New Boardgames (22/7)
- Refresher Rewelcome (8/5)
If you have any suggestions for TTRPG systems we can run, or themed boardgame nights we can hold, let us know! You can message any of our committee members, or chuck a message in our Discord #Feedback channel (link below).
Also, if YOU are an experienced Game Master and want to help us run some of our One-Shot Nights, let us know! We have a Facebook poll where you can tell us what systems you are familiar with and are willing to help run (link also below).
Discord #Feedback channel: https://discord.com/channels/459261533885825025/691526818532032544
Facebook Game Master Poll: https://www.facebook.com/groups/uwa.unigames/permalink/7322916097744039
We’ve had a great start to the year for Wargaming, and we are far from finished. Here are some of the events we have run so far: - Blood Bowl League – season 2 has commenced! - Warhammer 40k Tournament (7/7) - Casual Painting Day (18/8)
We are in the process of planning another Warhammer tournament in about a month’s time, so keep your eyes peeled on our Announcements and Events for updates! If you are interested in Blood Bowl, and want to get involved, check out our Blood Bowl channels on our discord server for more info!
Collaborative events
We have collaborated with a number of clubs over the last while, including the following: - University Science Fiction and Fantasy Association (UniSFA) - University Computer Club (UCC) - UWA Guild Access Department - UWA Pride Department - UWA Esports - UWA Robotics Club
Check these wonderful people out! If you or your club want to collaborate with Unigames on an event, feel free to send us an email at uwaunigames@gmail.com. We have yet more collaborations to come, so keep an eye out for those!
TCG Events
We’ve had a couple of TCG events since the last newsletter, including some of the following: - MTG: Modern Horizons III Prerelease (9/6) - MTG: Bloomburrow Prerelease (28/7)
Every week, we post the minutes of the committee meeting from that week. You can read the weekly minutes at https://unigames.asn.au/blog/ !
Contact and Links
Committee Email: uwaunigames@gmail.com Website: https://unigames.asn.au/ Main Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/uwa.unigames UWA Magic Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/uwamagic Permanent Discord Invite Link: https://bit.ly/unigamesdiscord UCC Webcams: https://webcam.ucc.asn.au/ (check if the clubrooms are open! password in the clubroom) Unigames FAQ: https://unigames.asn.au/faq/ How to get to the clubroom: https://bit.ly/unigamesvideogsc24 / https://bit.ly/unigamesvideeooak24