Hero Kids

Image for Hero Kids
Type: Book
Borrowing status:
Available to borrow!
Clubroom status:
Available in the clubroom!

Hero Kids is a ENnie award-winning fantasy RPG for kids aged from 4 to 10. This game offers a fast and fun introduction to RPGs, perfect for younger kids who are just getting interested in role-playing games.

Hero Kids has a simple combat and adventuring system which avoids the complex maths of full-blown systems.

Hero Kids' opposed dice pool system keeps the players involved in the game even when its not their turn.

  • Develop your kids' imagination and skills
  • Simple mechanics using only six-sided dice
  • Beautiful presentation, with fully illustrated heroes, monsters, and maps
  • 10 heroes, including boys and girls
  • Challenge kids with combat and exploration
  • Playtime from 30-60 minutes


Donated by Winslade
